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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#28 - Contracts and Letters of Appointment

Approved: April 11, 1988

Monitor: President


  1. Contracts

    At the time of initial employment a contract will be issued for the following employees:

    negotiated faculty, regular and temporary
    temporary negotiated administrative and professional staff
    non-negotiated temporary faculty
  2. Letters of Appointment

    At the time of initial employment, a letter of appointment will be issued for the following employees:

    negotiated administrative and professional staff (except temporary appointments)
    non-negotiated administrative and professional staff (regular and temporary, including department chairs)

Contracts and letters of appointment shall specify the period of appointment, including the beginning and ending dates if applicable; the type of appointment, probationary, tenure, temporary, administrative; the rank or title of the individual; the evaluating department of a tenure-track employee; the probationary year for a tenure-track employee; and the salary.


  1. Contracts

    Faculty contracts will be issued for temporary faculty, negotiated and non-negotiated.
  2. Annual Status Statements

    All negotiated faculty and administrative staff shall receive an annual status statement following ratification of the contract.

    All non-negotiated faculty and administrative staff shall receive annual status statements.

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